Our 25th Anniversary
Peebles Creative Group’s 25th anniversary came at a time when I was much more focused on the present than I was interested in thinking much about the past. I think my mindset had much to do with the recent past (that’s still the present for some), when we all found ourselves navigating a new unknown while wearing surgical masks. Continuing to demonstrate my expert social distancing skills would be inappropriate considering all the thanks that are in order. So, thank you to everyone who entrusted us with projects, made us part of their team, and allowed us to share their mission and call them clients (and friends). Thank you to the people who accepted our invitations and were open to being introduced to our client’s products and services. Thank you to the people who put their very best effort into the work we produced on our clients’ behalf – our amazing team and partners. When I started this business, I had many goals – some lofty, some simple. The simplest? Survive. Due to too many people to mention, we’ve done more that survive. I’m thankful. Never more so.