Widening the circle of hope
Franklinton Rising is an organization that helps reduce economic and spiritual poverty by investing in the lives of young adults – introducing them to and training them in the building trades while encouraging them to live as Christian role models in the community. The primary focus of Franklinton Rising’s work is human, but the fruit of its labor extends to the transformation of blighted residential properties and neighborhoods. Doug has known Tom Heffner, Franklinton Rising’s Executive Director, for years. Their relationship, Doug says, “checks many boxes” and is “one I cherish.” Over the last six months, Tom and Doug have been working together on a strategic planning effort for Franklinton Rising. Just yesterday, they were discussing next steps. To date, they’ve met in conference rooms and coffee shops; this morning Doug and I dropped by a job site (not a temperature-controlled environment, I might add) and visited the crew. We spent time listening to their stories – all of which exemplified the special bond that’s created when people work together as a team. While there, we also received a guided tour of the site and got to see firsthand the hard work and care devoted to renovating the property. It’s safe to say we have plenty of motivation for the steps that follow.